Karel Op ‘t Eynde

Karel Op 't Eynde is a curator, writer and designer based in Brussels (BE). Currently, he holds the position of Assistent Curator at Jester, Genk.
    He has initiated various curatorial projects with a focus on artistic development and cross-disciplinary methods. In the past, he (co-)curated for Kunsthal Gent (BE), Vleeshal (NL) and Het Paviljoen (BE).

  • Grains of Sand Like Mountains
  • Co-curation
  • at Kunsthal, Gent

Artists: Noor Abed, Dis­ar­ming Design, Ali­ce Diop, Nina Jaya­su­riya, Sep­pe-Hazel Lae­re­mans, Seul­gi Lee, Renée Lorie, Miche­li­ne Nah­ra, Ben de Raes, Hus­sein Shik­ha, Stef Van Looveren

Special thanks to Lau­ra Her­man, Valen­tijn Goet­hals, Isa­bel Van Bos, Sonia D’Alto, Marij­ke Van Eeck­haut, Gale­rie Jous­se Entre­pri­se, argos cen­tre for audio­vi­su­al arts, Totem Films, Kunst­hal Gent Team, Design Muse­um Gent, S.M.A.K., Ghent Uni­ver­si­ty, KASK & Conservatorium.

  • Views by Michiel De Cleene