Karel Op ‘t EyndeAbout

Karel Op 't Eynde is a curator, writer and designer based in Brussels (BE).
    He has initiated various curatorial projects with a focus on artistic development and cross-disciplinary methods. In the past, he (co-)curated for Kunsthal Gent (BE), Vleeshal (NL) and Het Paviljoen (BE).

  • Grains of Sand Like Mountains
  • Co-curation
  • at Kunsthal, Gent

Artists: Noor Abed, Dis­ar­ming Design, Ali­ce Diop, Nina Jaya­su­riya, Sep­pe-Hazel Lae­re­mans, Seul­gi Lee, Renée Lorie, Miche­li­ne Nah­ra, Ben de Raes, Hus­sein Shik­ha, Stef Van Looveren

Special thanks to Lau­ra Her­man, Valen­tijn Goet­hals, Isa­bel Van Bos, Sonia D’Alto, Marij­ke Van Eeck­haut, Gale­rie Jous­se Entre­pri­se, argos cen­tre for audio­vi­su­al arts, Totem Films, Kunst­hal Gent Team, Design Muse­um Gent, S.M.A.K., Ghent Uni­ver­si­ty, KASK & Conservatorium.

  • Views by Michiel De Cleene

Grains of Sand Like Moun­tains is a group exhi­bi­ti­on and a public pro­gram­me cura­ted by the Cura­to­ri­al Stu­dies class of 2023 – 2024. 

Taking our own expe­rien­ces in cura­ting this show together as a star­ting point, we rai­se ques­ti­ons about how mul­ti­ple ​‘I’s’ can work, live, belong and orga­ni­se as an ​‘us’. Col­lec­ti­vi­ty, howe­ver, is mul­ti-lay­e­red and com­plex; it can mani­fest as cele­bra­ti­on, play, deba­te, assem­bly but also refusal. 

The exhi­bi­ti­on unfolds through a con­stel­la­ti­on of works inclu­ding video, sculp­tu­re, pho­to­grap­hy, and per­for­man­ce, explo­ring how we can live together. It invi­tes vie­wers to co-con­tem­pla­te the trans­for­ma­ti­on from ​‘I’ to ​‘us’ within diver­se socie­tal con­texts. The­se mani­fe­sta­ti­ons of col­lec­ti­vi­ty take various forms, from the for­ced gathering of undo­cu­men­ted wor­kers in Brus­sels, as wit­nes­sed by Ben de Raes in Wai­ting Wor­king Hours (2019), to the elu­si­ve ora­li­ty of folk cul­tu­re in Brit­ta­ny port­ray­ed through Seul­gi Lee’s video ÎLES AUX FEM­MES (2019).
Grains of Sand Like Moun­tains is appro­a­ched as an archi­pe­la­go, allo­wing the encoun­ter of col­lec­ti­ve prac­ti­ces within inter­sec­ting cul­tu­res. This is made tan­gi­ble in the cere­mo­ni­al gathering within the Pales­ti­ni­an com­mu­ni­ty depic­ted in the video work Out of Joint (2018) by Noor Abed, as well as in Miche­li­ne Nahra’s sculp­tu­ral work A Din­ner for One (2019) in which she port­rays the las­ting effects of war, dis­pla­ce­ment, and soli­tu­de in Leb­a­non. Fur­ther­mo­re, alter­na­ti­ve per­spec­ti­ves on the dis­cour­se sur­roun­ding sha­red and mixed-up heri­ta­ges are explo­red by Nina Jaya­su­riya in magē gear magē pan­sa­la (2023) and Hus­sein Shik­ha looks into the sym­bo­lism and his­to­ry of motifs within Sou­t­hern Ira­qi car­pet tra­di­ti­ons in his video instal­la­ti­on GARDEN_OF_EDEN.ISO (2023). Final­ly, whi­le tou­ching on the noti­ons of gen­der, gen­der­les­s­ness and per­so­nas, Stef Van Loveren’s film Radi­cal Hope (2018) looks into dif­fe­rent sta­ges of life, all lin­ked to emo­ti­ons of sad­ness, anger, desi­re, hap­pi­ness, resent­ment and ter­ror, whe­re at the end, indi­vi­du­als mer­ge into one.

  • Jumping Fences
  • Co-curation
  • at Vleeshal, Middelburg

  • Views by We Document Art

Jumping Fences is a platform for artistic development and collective exhibition making, connecting emerging artists, designers and curators.

The collaborative residency program, takes place from February to June 2024 and resides at Het Paviljoen in Ghent, where artists, designers, and curators deconstruct the boundaries between their practices.  
At Vleeshal, all Jumping Fences participants are brought together at once. You can see work that has already been presented at Het Paviljoen and work that will be shown in the next stages of the project. At Vleeshal, pasts, presents and futures are allowed to coexist.

Jumping Fences
  • Co-curation
  • at Het Paviljoen, Ghent

  • Artist: Paola Siri Renard
  • Curators: Manon Laverdure, Ismini Kyritsis, Karel Op ‘t Eynde, Lisa Verhaeghe, Hugo Roger, Camille Van Meenen, Paula Swinnen, Justine McKenna, and Sina Eden
  • Views by Isaac Ponseele

Jumping Fences is a platform for artistic development and collective exhibition making, connecting emerging artists, designers and curators. Through a five week residency period, the artists/designers take part in a fluid, evolving exhibition lasting four months. 
Jumping Fences currently resides at Het paviljoen, Ghent.

New Lovin 
by David Bernstein
  • Co-production
  • at  Kunsthal Extra City, Antwerp
  • with Zuzanna Rachowska

  • Artists: David Bernstein
  • Views by We Document Art

Musée Imaginaire: A Poem on Shared Vision
  • Co-curation
  • at Zwarte Zaal
  • with Jana Häckel and Curatorial Studies

  • Artists: KASK MA Photography

A Horse WIth An Attitude: 
Queer Kinship As Methodology

  • Publication
  • Contributions by Guillaume Jannes, Seppe-Hazel Laere(mans), Lore Janssens

  • On view at Dutch Design Week 2023

A Horse WIth An Attitude: 
Queer Kinship As Methodology

  • Object design
  • Contributions by Guillaume Jannes, Seppe-Hazel Laere(mans), Lore Janssens

  • On view at Dutch Design Week 2023

Kiki Chair
  • Object design
  • Materials: Aluminium

Post-Industrial Crafts
  • Curation
  • at Design Museum Brussels

  • Partner: Leto Keunen